Thursday, January 24, 2013

"FRenquency Graphs"

"Romel And Nelson's Conversation"

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"NaTural Disasters"

"Earthquakes in The world"

Earthquake is a natural disaster that can be defined as the movement of the earth’s layers; the movement of the plate tectonics or in simple words earthquake is the movement of the ground. The causes of earthquakes are many, but the most common causes are volcanic activity, release of energy that is accumulated in the earth’s crust and by geological faults. Throughout the time many questions have been appearing about if earthquakes are getting worse or not. Well our theory states that earthquake as any other natural disaster is considered as a problem because we know that after an earthquake many worse things can happen, like for example human loss, destruction of infrastructure and diseases. But earthquake as a natural disaster is not getting worse because since the first time when the earth was founded, earthquakes have been there.  Earthquakes happen in places that are located near of plate boundaries. To support our theory we chose Japan and Haiti, two places well known for their seismic activity.

            Japan has been suffering because of the earthquakes; the location of Japan close to a plate boundary is the reason why Japan has this natural disaster very often. But the question about if earthquakes are getting worse, does not have a fact that could support this question. Throughout the years Japan has been affected by many earthquakes. Since the year of 2000 to 2012, Japan had experimented 22 earthquakes. The average of the earthquakes is on average of 7.3 of intensity. This evidence is important because it shows that all the earthquakes that had happened are on average and they are not changing according to the magnitude.  Earthquakes aren’t getting worse, they are part of the earth and the earth is part of the earthquakes.


In Haiti, many earthquakes have occurred, and many of them have had a great impact on the population’s lives. But as we said, the reason why this country is being affected is because it is located close to a plate boundary.  Since the year of 1564 to 2010, Haiti has experimented 8 earthquakes that were considered as major earthquakes in history. Throughout the time Haiti has faced many earthquakes, but we all know that earthquake is the release of energy that is accumulated in the earth’s crust. Of all the earthquakes that Haiti has experimented, among them all the average of magnitude is 8.O grades in the Richter scale. Earthquakes are not getting worse, they have been since the first time that the earth was created and they will be here for longer.

In conclusion, earthquakes were here before us and they will be here for longer. Earthquake is the way how the earth releases the energy that it has accumulated.  We saw that Japan as Haiti is well known for their seismic activity. But in our evidences we found that both of those countries have been suffering because of earthquakes but all the seismic activity has been under an average of magnitude. If this natural disaster continues for the next 100 years we can expect that as have been happen, the seismic activities will continue and the earth will keep releasing energy. There is nothing to worry about, all that happen in the world are needed to keep the balance and well function of the earth.