Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Rock Types !!

Rock Cycle
The Rock cycle is the process, where the rocks change their shapes and compositions, to become a new rock. In the rock cycle, we will be focused on three specific types of rocks, as Igneous Rock, Sedimentary Rock and Metamorphic Rock.  During the Rock cycle, each rock is affected by many factors that change their compositions. When an Igneous rock is affected by Weathering, it becomes a Sediments  that once are affected by Erosion  and are placed in a new place, the sediments are burial and affected by two proccess called Cementation and Compaction, there is a new rock known as Sedimentary Rock. But when the sedimentary rock is affected by Heat and Pressure, the sedimentary rock changes its composition and becomes into another rock known as Metamorphic Rock, that once is affected by mealting and get cool, it becomes a Igneous Rock. And the cycle keeps going on and there will always be a constant changes between these three rocks.
Metamorphic Rock:
"The rock that is form by heat and pressure."
Heat: The temperature.
Pressure: The streingth that push down the rocks.
    Fiolated: The rock that has layers on it.
    Non-Fiolated: The rock that does not have layers on it.

    Igneous Rock:

    "The rock that is from by fire, cooling and molten minerals"

    Melting: When the mineral becomes a liquid because of the temperature.
    Cooling: When the liquids turn into a solid shapes.
    Fire: The temperature that melts the minerals.
    Intrusive: The Ignous rock that has a lot of crystals inside. (Because it took more time to grow)
    Extrusive: The Igneous rock that has a certain amount of crystals. (Because it took less time to grow)
Sedimentary Rock:
"The combination of many pieces of broken rocks and minerals"
 Sediments: Broken pieces of rocks and minerals
Compaction: When the sediments push together
Cementacion: When the sediments glue together
Clastic: Sedimentary rock that is made of Broken pieces.
Bioclastic: Sedimentary rock that is made of death organism.
Cristilline: Sedimentary Rock that is made of crystals.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Crystals and Minerals !!

Crystals come by many ways, shapes and sizes. In this lab we as students, were required to grow our own minerals. Once the minerals are appearing, we were required to measure it and identify its properties such as color, composition, shape, uses and hardness.

"Mineral Properties"

  • Color: The color that you see when you look at it.
  • Streak: The powder.
  • Hardness: How much harder it is by the Mosh Scale.
  • Cleavage: Break evenly.
  • Fracture: Break unevenly.
  • Composition: Chemical Structure.
  • Luster: Metallic or non-metallic.

 "Mineral Identification" 

  • Pyrite: Hardness: 6.5 - Luster: Metallic - Color: yellow - Fracture - Composition: FeS2

  • Halite: Hardness: 2.5 - Luster: Non-metallic - Color: colorless - Cleavage- Composition: NaCI


Sunday, October 14, 2012

About me

Science is the human study that try to understand the world's composition.
I like Science because through it I discovered new things that I didn't know before.
The future really really scares me.
Tacos and Pupusas are my favorite food.
I would like to be a Doctor when I grow up.
I have 6 siblings.
My favorite color is Black.
My favorite thing to do is playing soccer with my friends.
Watch out for that my family and friends are my strength.
I wish I could get one million dollars !!!