Friday, October 26, 2012

Crystals and Minerals !!

Crystals come by many ways, shapes and sizes. In this lab we as students, were required to grow our own minerals. Once the minerals are appearing, we were required to measure it and identify its properties such as color, composition, shape, uses and hardness.

"Mineral Properties"

  • Color: The color that you see when you look at it.
  • Streak: The powder.
  • Hardness: How much harder it is by the Mosh Scale.
  • Cleavage: Break evenly.
  • Fracture: Break unevenly.
  • Composition: Chemical Structure.
  • Luster: Metallic or non-metallic.

 "Mineral Identification" 

  • Pyrite: Hardness: 6.5 - Luster: Metallic - Color: yellow - Fracture - Composition: FeS2

  • Halite: Hardness: 2.5 - Luster: Non-metallic - Color: colorless - Cleavage- Composition: NaCI


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