Sunday, March 10, 2013

Critical Thinking !!

  • Do you agree with the theory of plate tectonics ? Why or why not ?

I agree with the theory of plate tectonics because I think that throughout the time, the earth as a living thing, has been suffering of a lot of changes produced by the time, the release of energy and weather. The Earth's interior is made up of four different layers such as The Inner Core, The Outer Core, The Mantle and The Crust. But now to explain my answer I will focused in the Crust, that is the outer layer that we live on.The theory states that the Earth is made up of huge pieces like a puzzels. There is something interesting among these plate tectonics, the interesting thing is that we take a look to the continents, they seem to be like they are like huge scales of puzzels and that they case together. And also there is something else, some continents share some species of living beings, fossiles and desserts.

The thery also states that the plate tectonics are in constantly movement, and because of their movement the earth faces changes. The places where the plate boundaries meet are known as Plate boundaries, Plate boundaries? Yes plate boundaries, and according to the movement of the plate tectonics the plate boundaries are classified as Convergent boundary when to plate tectonics come together; Divergent Boundary when to plate tectonics pull apart form each  other; and Transform boundary when two plate tectonics slide each other. Now knowing all these factors, the theory of plate tetonics starts to have more sense.
Mountain, Volcanoes, Rift valleys are examples of the Plate tectonics movement. The convergent movement of the  plate tectonics create volcanoes, and mountains. The Divergent movement creates Rift Valleys, Mid-ridge oceans and sometimes volcanoes too. The Transform movement creates earthquakes and Tsunamis.

 In Conclusion the theory of the plate tectonics at the beging was just an idea that the most of the people thought it was crazy, but now knowing all these factor and pieces evidence of how the earth moves, what is your opinion about this? Do you have the same point of view about plate tectonics or has it changed ?? In my personal Opinion, the earth hides a lot of mysteries that may be we wont be able to find out, but the movement of the plate tectonics is something that I believe in, because of all the evidences that the earth itself has.



  • What did you ejoy the most about this project?
Well I enjoyed to being working on the research procces, because at that time I found out information that I didnt know about the Plate tectonics.
  • What was the most challenging partfor you during the project?
Well it was challenging for me to find the difference between Plate tectonics and Contenintal Drift.
  • What new Skills did you learn from doing this project?
  • Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work ?
Well Yes I guess that I am doing really badly with my homework, so the thing that I could do is be more focus and handle in my homework on time.

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